
“The biggest big business in America is not steel, automobiles, or television. It is the manufacture, refinement, and distribution of anxiety.” Eric Sevareid, 1964

Remember this newscaster? I always liked him – stately, honest, and meticulous. The quote is 59 years old, but it's truer than ever.    ‘Anxiety’ makes us buy, say, feel and do things that are usually not good. There are many ways we deal with anxiety: drugs, alcohol, denial, anger ... to name only a few. 

Jesus says in Luke 12, ‘can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?’  Jesus reminds his disciples to not be afraid, for they are of great value to God, and that God will always care for them.

Anxiety about the future gets us nowhere. Remembering Jesus’ promise of abundant life now and forever is our greatest treasure – for where our treasure is, there will our hearts be also.

Peace for the journey … Pr. Rita

More good news:  Our streaming service is much improved!  Join us at 10:00 am Sunday mornings via this link!

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